Iwata's Takumi Custom Micron is the new top-of-the-line side-feed airbrush used by many top professionals. With a .18 nozzle, this airbrush is designed for rendering the highest level of detail. This is a new customized model. It features a new gravity feed side cup and an overall slightly shorter length than its discontinued predecessor, the CM-SB.
Upgrades included: This airbrush comes with our own BLAIR SoftSpring and Low-rider Trigger for an unbeatable combination! Without upgrades, this airbrush retails at $743.98. With upgrades, the total price would be $819.92.
The best upgrade you can make on your Iwata airbrush is the Blair SoftSpring. The second best upgrade is the Low Rider Trigger. This deal gives you both!
Here are Dru Blair's 6 reasons why he prefers the CM-SB model
We are an authorized dealer for Iwata Airbrushes and Parts. Beware of buying airbrushes from non-authorized entities such as Ebay. USA orders only, please.