#12 - Counting down the 14 most common airbrush mistakes.

Mistake 12:  Beware of airbrush gimmicks.

It's a commonly held belief that simply throwing money at something will make it better. However, when it comes to airbrushing, this is rarely the case!

The internet has made it easy for anyone to purchase a wide variety of items to trick out their airbrush. Artists will often throw money at a new product with the expectation that it will make their works masterpieces. But don't overestimate what that expense will really provide for you. You owe it to yourself to use the best tools and materials you can afford, but there is still no substitute for practice. The best investment you can make is in your own abilities.

In this day and age, we have become accustomed to having information at our fingertips 24/7. It's so easy for us to find the information we desire - but with it are also countless frivolous products, scams and marketing gimmicks. Items like tall triggers, moisture traps and trick handles will not make you a better artist (some are even a total waste of money). It's tough to know what's right for you before you've put in some practice hours! It's far more valuable to take the time to master your craft rather than expecting expensive products to perform for you. So start simple and be patient. Learning and mastering new skills is an investment in yourself. If you find you're in need of some help, a lot of rich content can be found in tutorials, forums, videos, and classes hosted by authorities in the field!




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March 11, 2023

Good advice Everyone should realize that success comes with practice practice!!!

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